A PNW (Aspiring) Teacher's Journey

The Sweet Sounds of Golf

I wanted to integrate audio into my blog – and what better way to do so than to record what it sounds like when I actually hit the ball. Even more fun, I recorded what all of my irons, my pitching wedge, my woods and my driver sound like! Every club has a different loft and a different result, so of course they will all subtly have a different sound (and I do mean subtle). I made sure that the recording used was a “good shot” for each club. It is also important to mention that I did this at the range, where the balls are not designed to work with you. The balls you buy to actually play with are designed to go further and be easier to control. NO MATTER here is what my clubs hitting balls sounded like at the range:

Pitching wedge:

9 Iron:

8 Iron:


7 Iron:

6 Iron:





[Featured in the photo, taken by me, is my LOVELY father]

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